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počítání od 2.4.2004

Will Smithlinka
Název skladby:

Men In Black

Rubrika: Pop, rock, beat

Album: Big Willie Style

Počet shlédnutí: 2308       Tisk textu písně: Tisk písně
Will Smith

K této skladbě nejsou žádné midi soubory ke stažení.

Zdarma je pouze DEMO ukázka. Chcete-li stáhnout celou verzi midi souboru, klikněte levým tlačítkem myši na ikonu "KOUPIT" a otevře se Vám okno, ve kterém zaplatíte a stáhnete midi soubor. Stahování MIDI souborů je povoleno přihlášeným uživatelům, kteří mají na reg.kontě zaslanou zálohu na autorské poplatky. Pro přehrávání DEMO ukázky používejte Van Basco Karaoke Player, jiné programy nemusí umět zkrácený soubor přehrát.


Men In Black


Here come the Men In Black
It's the MIB's, uh, here come the MIB's
Here come the Men In Black, Men In Black
They won't let you remember

Nah nah nah.
The good guys dress in black, remember that
Just in case we ever face to face and make contact
The title held by me, MIB
Means what you think you saw, you did not see
So don't blink be what was there is now gone
The black suits with the black Ray Bans on
Walk in shadow, move in silence
Guard against extra-terrestrial violence
But yo we ain't on no government list
We straight don't exist - no names and no fingerprints
Saw somethin' strange, watch your back
Cause you never quite know where the MIBs is at
Uh, eh

Here come the Men In Black, Men In Black
Galaxy defenders.

Oho oho oho
Here come the Men In Black, Men In Black
They won't let you remember

Aha, aha
Now, From the deepest of the darkest night
On the horizon, bright light enters sight tight
Cameras zoom, on the impending doom
But then like BOOM black suits fill the room up
With the quickness, talk with the witnesses
Hypnotizer, neuralizer
Vivid memories turn to fantasies
Ain't no MIBs, can I please
Do what we say, that's they way we kick it
D'ya know what I mean
I see my noisy cricket get wicked on ya
We're your first, last and only line of defense
Against the worst scum of the universe
So don't fear us, cheer us
If you ever get near us, don't jeer us, we're fearless
MIB's freezin' up all the flack
What's that stand for? Men In Black

The Men In Black
The Men In Black

Let me see ya just bounce it with me
Just bounce with me
Just bounce it with me
Come on, let me see ya just slide with me
Just slide with me
Just slide with me
Come on, let me see ya take a walk with me
Just walk with me
Take a walk with me
Come on, and make your neck work
Now freeze


Here come the Men In Black, Men In Black
Galaxy defenders. Ohh, Ooohh
Here come the Men In Black, Men In Black
They won't let you remember. Oh nohh

Alright check it
Let me tell you this in closing
I know we might seem imposing
But trust me, if we ever show in your section
Believe me, it's for your own protection
Cause we see things that you need not see
And we be places that you need not be
So go on with your life
Forget that Roswell crap
Show love to the black suit, cause
That's the Men In.......
That's the Men In.......

Here come the Men In Black, here they come
Galaxy defenders. Galaxy defenders
Here come the Men In Black, oho, here they come
They won't let you remember. Won't let you remember

Here come the Men In Black, ohh, here they come
Galaxy defenders. Oho oho oho.
Here come the Men In Black
They won't let you remember
Vybráno záznamů: 2
1. Men In Black10.11.2011, 13:18:21
 totožné midi
 obě verze stejné zahraniční

2. Men In Black10.11.2011, 15:15:51
 slon i kimal
 už před mnoha lety jsem vyřadil některé soubory co poslali s patřičným komentářem u nich.tím že poslední cca 2 roky lze zobrazit celý obsah co ten který uživatel poslal nepřicházíme na nic překvapivé to pirátský obsah na vyřazení.kolik ještě takových lidí bude....50,100,500,1000?
Midistage-Petr Eger

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