Maurizio de Angelis / Guido de Angelis / Dream Bags

On my way

You love, you love, you love, you love,

I'm gonna go around the world just looking for someone. 

I'm gonna go around to find another like you love, you love.

'Cos only one thing is there that I am never sorry to leave here. 

It doesn't matter, better not to speak about you love, you love.

Refrén: 2x

On my way, sure I'll find you there and the wind will take me to you. 

On my way I will find my happiness and together we'll look for what could be next, 

to drink and to be healthful if it is dreadful so.

I'm gonna go around the world just looking for someone. 

I'm gonna go around to find another like you love, you love.

'Cos only one thing is there that I am never sorry to leave here. 

It doesn't matter, better not to speak about you love, you love.


On my way, sure I'll find you there and the wind will take me to you. 

On my way I will find my happiness and together we'll look for what could be next, 

to drink and to be healthful if it is dreadful so.

Mezihra:   B / F / Gmi / F / B / F / Gmi / F /


Sloka ………….

Refrén ………..

Mezihra:   B / F / Gmi / F //

Refrén 2x ……….

Mezihra:   B / F / Gmi / F / B / F / Gmi / F /  fade out

Vytištěno dne: 04. 05. 2024, 02:15:53
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